Hello! My name is Chad Campbell, and I’m a lifelong surfer and Yoga lover from Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. To summarize, I got injured surfing, and Yoga was the movement that helped the most. Eventually I was practicing asana a lot and loving it, and very organically I ended up getting my teaching certification through Mukti Yoga. I have a deep appreciation for all 8 limbs of Yoga, and I'm very grateful for the practice of Yoga.
I had a long "bio" here and it bored the pants off of me :P So!
I was certified by Julie Rader (aka Sensei), and Linda Baffa of Mukti Yoga. I've been teaching off and on since 2010.
I teach fun, alignment based flow. Sometimes music, sometimes quiet, a bit of "philosophy" maybe, but mostly leave that up to the individual.
Some teachers and influences are Aaron Duncan, Julie Rader, Shane Dorian, Jack Kerouac, Tenzin Gyatsu, Jack Burton, Wu-Tang Clan, and most obviously the Ocean.
(other stuff about me at chadkcampbell.com)